An engaging onboarding experience to earn trust from new users to increase the enrollment rate.

Responsibility: User Research, Design Strategy, User Flow Design, UI Design, Prototype


01 - User Research

User Interview

XIGGIT has a very specific target user group and goal: help low-income people be financially healthy via a good saving habit. The selection of interview candidates and interview questions are extremely important since finance is always a sensitive topic especially for low-income group. We are looking for personal stories and trying to understand their deep thoughts and struggles.

Affinity Map

Preliminary Notes

Categorized Notes

Research Synthesis

Major Insights:

  • The major spendings are on essentials.

  • Living minimally is one of the major ways to manage finance.

  • Impulsive spending & inconsistent income are obstacles from being financial health.

  • COVID helps people do better with their finance.

  • Impulsive spending & inconsistent income are obstacles from being financial health.

How might we:

  • HMW engage users during the onboarding process?

  • HMW gain user’s trust during the onboarding process?

  • HMW reveal product’s strength during the onboarding process?

02 - Desk Research

Design Audit

Design audit has been carried out to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current app. The goal is to understand the logic behind current design and evaluate its usability.

General Insights:

  • The onboarding process has too much text on each page.

  • Too many user info collection pages, and they are scattered throughout the whole onboarding experience.

  • Terms and information about fees and payments are hidden in lengthy text, which could be easily missed out.

  • The benefits of linking a bank account is not obvious enough. The opportunity to showcase app features is missed.

  • No app highlights are revealed during the onboarding process .

Competitive Analysis




Design Direction

03 - Ideate

Design Restrictions

Financial apps involving money transfer needs to meet legal requirements and technical restrictions. It is critical to understand the limitations from all stakeholders and make an feasible design instead of a “perfect” design cannot be achieved. As to XIGGIT, such restrictions mainly comes from 3 aspects, legal restrictions (some legal terms have to be shown along with other information), technical restrictions (what type of user information need to be collected and their sequence), and operational restrictions (some functions will not generate any operational cost while some features cannot be accessed before fully enrolled).

User Flow

Onboarding process is relatively a linear process, so user flow map is an effective tool to measure out different design directions. User flows with different levels of details have been used at different phases.

Conceptual Flow Chart

Detailed Flow Chart

Design Improvement Summary

  • Separate user information collection into 2 steps: create account & fully signup.

  • Create milestone pages to create satisfaction & fulfillment, arrange it after the first user information collection screen.

  • Allow users to choose financial topics and review app features before linking their bank account.

  • Separate fee clauses to increase its visibility.

04 - Re-branding

Branding Elevation

Financial app needs to deliver a sense of professional and sophisticated. The color pallet in old design is too bland and sharp. The new design aims to add sophistication to the branding by and also make the content more accessible.

UI Re - design

05 - Final Design

Hi-Fi Screens & Sequence


Landing Page


Splash Page


Creat Account


App Highlights


Link Bank Account


Complete User Info


Fees & Clauses


Home Screen
